May 20, 2008

Presidential Forum by APIA Vote

None of the presidential candidates showed up at the presidential forum organized by APIA Vote last weekend in Irvine, California. What does that mean?

Politicians have been talking about diversity. We heard news talking about how women support Clinton, whether African Americans are in favor of Obama, who could get the most Latino votes. Did anyone in the mainstream media mention Asian American?

While presidential candidates may not care enough about the Asian American votes, we do offer financial support to the leaders who we believe will make a change. But hold on, which should come first? We pay them, so they care? Or they care, so we pay? Regardless, the reality is that we pay and they could care less.

Here is a video taken at the APIA Vote presidential forum. I watched it over and over. I wanted to memorize his speech. I believe all Asian American should watch it too.

Key messages to the Presidential Candidates (quotes from the video):

  • We (Asian American) want to give, but have never felt like our giving has ever mattered. And now it is the time to prove us wrong. Inspire us. What must be done for you to embrace us?

  • You could talk about us more. I can't wait to hear Asian would be mentioned in a real American speech. I just want to be in one story. Can you please just put us in one of your speech? Recognize that we have helped to build [America].

  • We know without your help, we cannot get what we want. But the world is changing fast. If you don’t see this, you must understand you can't get what you want without us.

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